Posted at 2015-06-01 00:00:18 — Link
Exhibitions Report
The 26th exhibition "The Night of Stories" has ended. 204 Beastlords have applied their pets to compete for the prize.
Now it is time to announce the winners!
- Monues (#19564) - 265 points
- lamel (#22229) - 264 points
- Duh (#20352) - 236 points
- Linnix (#4901) - 213 points
- birdlove (#1485) - 207 points
Check the winning rosters here
Registration for the next exhibition is open!
Custom Puma skin Nightingale's King Cheetah
by Nightingale
The theme of this week's exhibition is "Exclusive Felinity". All deviant Pumas are allowed to participate in this exhibition. The judges will mainly rate pets by the rarity of color. You will find complete exhibition rules on the exhibition page.
This exhibition is sponsored by an anonymous Puma fan. Although he preferred to stay incognito, you have a good guess about his identity.