Posted at 2015-05-05 21:08:52 — Link
Just some skins I made up - some were accepted, and others have not even been posted yet. Though, I wouldn't mind if someone would tell me if these ones I have not posted would be accepted if I did submit them.
And yes, they'll mostly be Thromadas. I may add other species as I grow comfortable with the bases. And I may open up requests as well, but that'll be some time from now seeing as Rainbow Jars are hard to come by (I have yet to find one myself)
Name: Opalescent Throdama
Approval Stage: Approved
Name: Yellow-Armored Thromad
Approval Stage: Approved
Name: Cyan Throdama
Approval Stage: Approved
Name: Flame Thromada
Approval Stage: Approved
Name: Desert Sky Thromada
Approval Stage: Approved
Name: Amethyst Thromada
Approval Stage: N/A
Name: Sandrunner Thromada
Approval Stage: N/A
Art should DISTURB the comfortable
And comfort the DISTURBED
~Cesar A. Cru