Posted at 2015-04-20 00:00:05 — Link
Exhibitions Report
The 22nd exhibition "Sunny Day" has ended. 277 Beastlords have applied their pets to compete for the prize.
Now it is time to announce the winners!
- PortysPride (#14981) - 2323353 points
- thebeastkeeper (#23369) - 789655 points
- emmie1977 (#304) - 633499 points
- wolfspirit (#20563) - 546788 points
- Dreamss (#9437) - 538875 points
Check the winning rosters here
Registration for the next exhibition is open!
The theme of this week's exhibition is "Monster Slayer". All pets are allowed to participate in this exhibition. The judges will mainly rate pets by their success in fighting the island monsters. You will find complete exhibition rules on the exhibition page.
Participate in Exhibition
Game Updates
- Detailed Explore stats are now available for every pet. Click "Show Details" link on the pet's page to find out how many monsters your pet defeated, how many resources collected and how many buildings visited!
- *Premium feature* Now it's possible to view all your pets ranked by the exhibition value before applying them to the exhibition. The link can be found on the exhibition page below the link to overall exhibition ranking. Please note that this feature won't range pets for the exhibitions with random factors.