Posted at 2015-02-22 06:21:09 — Link
Attention members of BK, I have an announcement to make! Some of you may have seen my giveaways in the forums before, with one taking place right now, and others may have had their wishes granted by me over at Aelisk's Wishing Well, but in the works I am planning something far more elaborate than a simple raffle or gift. The title of this thread kind of gave it away though... I'm going to be hosting a Scavenger Hunt!
As there is still a bit of preparation needed I can't say for certain when this will take place, but I can assure you it will be happening. This thread here is to a) get the word out there so people know to look forward to it and b) get suggestions as to what people want to see as prizes. Any specific kind of pet or item you'd think would be cool to win? Feel free to post your ideas here!
I don't want to say that this will be a difficult scavenger hunt, but it won't be designed to be easy. Well, some parts of it may be, but work will be involved. There will be riddles and clues referencing BK related things, such as forums, species, or even users, to lead you to the prize. Be prepared to think!
I plan on making use of the Profiles of certain pets to include steps you have to follow to find the next clue, and I'll be getting help from various people who are kind enough to assist me by "hiding" pets in their stables. If you have suggestions as to other elements I can include to make the hunt more exciting mention them here in this thread.