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  • Vindoxious
  • User
  • Posts: 16

Posted at 2013-02-24 21:32:47 — Link

I just spent some gold to check out my pets genetics, and the only thing she has is slow-mindedness. All the other sections are blank/empty.I'm sort of disappointed about this because I just made a custom skin to put on her and everything. She has good strength stats, but her Inteligence, Constitution, Hit Points, and Bite Damage are all lower than average.

Is there any way to cure her "slow-mindedness" or up her stats?


  • seph
  • User
  • Posts: 223

Posted at 2013-02-24 21:40:53 — Link

Hmm for once there are mutagenes (you can see this potion int he premium shop) that will change one gene at random, so it could cure her problem areas, but it could also change her color, pattern or things like that.

Maybe you find that potion during explore as well.


Otherwise there would be no 'cure' for her but breeding her with partners which have normal or even positive genes can pass those down on her future offsprings.


PS: You need more vermillion and coins to do more research.

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