They aren't mean to be easy. Some items do need to be rare. Something like an energy drink is "un-natural" when you think about it, it is a "magical item". You can find them exploring (and increase the chance of finding them using the Astrologist building, your pets can being them home from quests and as Sylviianel said, you can buy them.
But there are other ways to restore a pets energy... There are buildings in explore (and bandages which will help!) and there is also a building called a sanctuary that can restore energy.
Squad energy packs can be very hard to find/make/buy because they are a rare item. If you think about it 3 energy drinks and some crafting will refuel 4 pets. So really you are saving a drink in the end.
I don't see where your suggestion is. Please, if you think something is "flawed" or "terrible" then please elaborate on a suggestion. Otherwise I'm sorry but this sounds more like a complaint, which does not belong here as it is not fueling productivity. When making a suggestion it is best to offer a bit of... well a suggestion. Not just a complaint.
You have been playing the site for about two days now. Things like energy drinks aren't supposed to be easy to come by. There needs to be some level of rarity to have a functioning game that is actually fun (and not just easy). When you are just starting the game and only have a few pets there isn't really much to do after you have used your pets energy. We want you to play the game, but we don't want you to spend hours doing the "daily grind". Trust me, when you have more pets you don't know what to do with them....
Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls
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