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  • Sylviianel
  • User
  • Posts: 791

Posted at 2015-01-25 00:24:46 — Link

Hello fellow beast keepers! This thread is pretty self-explanatory given the title; I'm looking for some items from the Premium Shop, or people with the gold to supply me with these items.

If you have the items or the gold to buy them please post here or send me a message with your gold -> silver conversion or what you're wanting from the deal (materials? pets?). I typically view gold -> silver as around 1 gold = 5-10k silver. I base this on Magic Food which sells for around 5-6k silver and is 1 gold in the shop and Energy Drinks which are 5 gold in the shop and are typically found in the item auctions for 10k. However I also recognize that these 2 gold items can be found on the map so their conversions may be different than other items. That's why I want to know how others convert the currencies and their reasoning behind it.

If you're wanting to make a deal for a pet I have Lykos for sale that can be found in their Sale tab. Pups in the nursery have the title Marked for Sale if they are going to be available once grown. I'll consider selling/trading Lykos who aren't marked for sale or in the sale tab if they do not have the Adept Breed title. I also have Deviant Dragons for sale.

Items I Want::

  • Bamboo Berries (1 gold + explore)
  • Energy Drinks (5 gold + explore)
  • Minor Scroll of Insight (5 gold)
  • Travelling Magician Invites (10 gold + explore)
  • Major Scroll of Insight (10 gold + explore)
  • Rainbow Jars (10 gold + explore)
  • Title Scrolls (15 gold)
  • Founder Cells Cultures (15 gold)
  • Expand Stable Scrolls (20 gold)
  • Ephemerae Cocoons (25 gold)
  • 1 Month Premium Subscription (50 gold)

  • Sylviianel
  • User
  • Posts: 791

Posted at 2015-01-27 15:55:42 — Link

Still in need of all of these items, especially the energy drinks (with the insight scrolls coming in at a close second).

  • Encanto
  • User
  • Posts: 53

Posted at 2015-01-30 00:01:42 — Link

I was wondering what you would like for this Lykos:

I have this to offer that you specifically asked for on this thread:

- 5 Energy Drinks
- 3 Rainbow Jars
- 25 Gold

Other things I can offer:

- GP 2-3 Gryphons
- GP 1-3 Symurghs
- Other Good Gened Pets

- Silver Coins

A very special thanks to.....
EverRain for giving me a male and a female Symurgh for free!
SeverinDragonaz for giving me a female Throdama for free!

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