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  • Sylviianel
  • User
  • Posts: 791

Posted at 2015-01-12 12:03:49 — Link

When looking through the Pet Trades and Breeding Offers we are given a drop down Search Menu option that allows us to be more selective when looking for pets or potential breeding studs. I believe that this would be a useful feature to include in our stables as well, with the inclusion of a "Group" search criteria to limit the search to pets within that group tab, so users can conveniently look through their beasts.

This feature would have a variety of applications, including easily isolating certain females based on their genes for breeding projects, finding males within your own stables that fit the breeding requirements of another user's project, and finding beasts who possess the genes another bk member is looking for so as to sell or trade them that pet. I'm sure others may be able to think of other uses they could have for this feature as well.

I'd also like to mention that when invisioning this feature I see it as to where the format in which the pets are displayed are the same. Their image, Name, Gender, etc shown the same way as when scrolling through your stables normally as opposed to seeing them listed in the way that Auction Pets and Breeding Offers are stacked on top of each other.

So I found the ajax-pet-search; good to have this!


While I am on the topic of the Search Menu I was wondering if it was possible for it to be more refined. Is there a reason users can only select 2 specific genes to look for? And why with these 2 genes must they be in a "Both Recessive and Dominant" search or an "Only Dominant" one? Would it be possible to make it so that users can select if they want 1 gene to be Only Dominant while the other can be "Both Recessive and Dominant"? Another idea of mine would be to make a "Homozygous Gene" option, indicating that that beast has the gene as both Recessive and Dominant.


  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2015-02-10 19:10:52 — Link

The restriction to 2 genes is mostly a tech issue. Increasing the number of genes in search will increase the response time proportionally. We have a table where we store pets, and a table where we store genetics. To search for a particular gene, we join these two tables. To search for two genes, we join them two times etc. Since these two tables are the largest, it takes some considerable amount of time. Technically it's possible to change this classical database structure to a different one that will allow searching by any number of genes without severe performance issues. Although this will require some considerable amount of work and time. We already considered doing this but for now there are still some tasks that have more priority. It's a nice improvement that would be great to have sometime in the future.

Homozygous option is already in our to-do, we plan to add it as time permits.

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