Posted at 2014-12-22 11:53:04 — Link

I'm breeding for pumas with maximum crit chance, using a combination of Saber-toothed, Acute Eyesight, and Silent Pace. I'm on the fence about other genes, but I definitely want those.

It's amazing how difficult it is to find breeding males that don't have negative traits. Even some of the males that are charging thousands of's ridiculous. So here I am. I've got a female Puma, Brown Sugar, who has no negative traits. She's in my 'Neutral' group if you would like to look her up. Please let me know if you'd like to breed some super crit babies.

I'm fairly new to breeding on the forums, and since there's no sticky here, I'm not sure what the protocol is for who gets to keep the babies and so on. If someone could clarify that for me, I'd appreciate it.

Edit: Also breeding for Lionheart, as courage contributs to crit rate. Lionheart is the only one of the 4 core traits that Brown Sugar doesn't have.

Pull no punches.