Posted at 2014-11-18 03:46:34 — Link
Looking for:
- 3 Catness Essence
- Random Box
Have To Trade:
- 3 Cygnon Tail
- 3 Delicious Fish
- 1 Dingonek Fang
- 4 Feline Spirit
- 1 Leather
- 8 Tatzelwyrm Whiskers
- 1 20% DCA
- 1 50% DCA
- 2 Bamboo Berries
- 1 Colorful Pill
- 3 Dragon Maple
- 2 Magic Bomb
- 3 Major Scroll of Insight
- 1 Money Tree Sapling
- 2 Mutagen
- 1 Nutpea
- 1 Spirit in a Jar
- 1 Transmitter
- Lots of Materials, Invites, and Blueprints
- 212,000 silver
- Pets for sale here, also have ability to produce some deviant GP Unicorns and Deviant Spotted Dragons