Posted at 2014-09-20 01:38:59 — Link
I'm wondering if I can get some feedback on my genetics planning for battle cockatrices. When I set up my uni project it was very clear which gene combos I wanted (Graceful+Fragrance+Counterstrike+Regen+Magic horn...). Dodgy little buggers. But when it comes to cockatrices, the best combination is less clear...
Current Ideas
To start, petrifying gaze and regeneration don't preclude any gene combos I want, so let's assume they are included in all builds.
Build 1: Dodging/Acid
Acid Gland + Spitting Muscle > Acid Strike when Biting
Quickmind+Agile Paws+Stench > Counterstrike with Dodge chance of 75%
Build 2: Poison/Acid
Acid gland+Spitting Muscle > Acid Strike when Biting
Poisonous claws+venemous skin > Poison Strike, 70% when Blowing or Rushing
Unfortunately the counterstrike combo can't be optimally combined with the poison combo, because venemous skin takes the place of stench and I very much prefer counterstrike to be accompanied with a dodge chance.
My question, for you pro cockatrice breeders out there, is which strategy do you prefer? Is Poison Strike better than dodge chance? Does a cockatrice with counterstrike+stench hold up against a unicorn with counterstrike/fragrance/gracefulness? Is there some combination I'm neglecting?
Thanks for any comments/thoughts!
Edit: Just to clarify, Poisonous claws+Venemous skin don't need to be combined for Poison Strike to occur, Claws just contribute 50% chance and Skin contributes 20% following the enemy attack. Hence the 70% total chance.
*~*Combat Unicorns*~*Deviant Rocs*~*Silver&Gold Cockatrices*~*