Posted at 2014-09-14 09:53:58 — Link

Herro! My name is "JustYourEverydayBunneh" But you can call me Bunneh :3 

I just created my account, (About two hours ago, but the time is messed up :/)

I really like the just of this game, and also the outlook of it. (I WUUUV THE UNICORNS!!) 

Except, I'm a bit confused about "Trading"  and/or "Borrowing" 

HOW DO YOU TRADE OR BORROW!? Also, I need more money, since I'm poor on here. BECAUSE I BID! 

Anyways, just a question, (besides the breeding/borrowing) what is a " devient"? 


I'm confused as it is. Anyways, thanksies! :3 

MUAHAHAHAH *Rolls out* (I'm crazy.)