Posted at 2014-08-13 07:38:25 — Link

so i'm basically broke right now but if you have any wild gryphons you're willing to sell, preferably without offspring, link & price and i'll see what i can do.

alternatively, i'm willing to trade any pet(s) except for roquette or any of the ungrouped gryphons. three are being tamed right now (TAME tab), and the other two were picked up from the pound (NOPE tab), but once their respective timers are up, they're free for the trading as well.

good genes/green stats are nice, obviously, and you'll probably want more for them, but not necessary. i don't care about researched/unresearched status so basically the only real stipulation is that they have to be wild x wild.  

feel free to either post here or message me; thank in advance!