Posted at 2014-07-07 00:21:38 — Link
Exhibitions Report
The first exhibition was a huge success. More than 300 Beastlords applied their pets to compete and thousands of visitors came to watch on this spectacular event.
Now it is time to announce the winners!
- SeverinDragonaz (#1898)
- Karakurt (#14332)
- Shigeru1992 (#12700)
- NightbaneWolf (#3555)
- Vythalax (#345)
Registration for the next exhibition is open!
The theme of this week's exhibition is "Pride of Amazons". All female pets may take part. You will find complete exhibition rules on the exhibition page.
Participate in Exhibition
Deviant colors - double deviants
Association of Breeders has published the result of their research after comprehensive analysis and a number of experiments. According to their research, the only way to breed a pet with both deviant color and pattern is to choose very specific parents. One of the parents should have deviant color and the second one should have deviant pattern. The chances of getting a deviation on each color parameter still remains 1/10 so the babies with double deviation are extremely rare and valuable.
As a side product of research, breeders have updated Unicorn color catalogue. Now anyone may visit Skin Library to see the possible deviant colors.