Posted at 2014-06-18 00:22:05 — Link
I have 3 pets in a banned account I sent them there before ban the account for quest then the user have been banned How can I get them back ?
I need them because they are from my powerful pets ^^"
Posted at 2014-06-18 00:22:05 — Link
I have 3 pets in a banned account I sent them there before ban the account for quest then the user have been banned How can I get them back ?
I need them because they are from my powerful pets ^^"
Posted at 2014-06-18 07:31:24 — Link
You can only get them back if you still maintain those pets, if you don't have that account you can't get them back.
Posted at 2014-06-18 14:37:29 — Link
I'm not sure if you can get them back..
There is this thread Sending pets is your responsibility. where it says that they will not help with getting pets back if the other user doesn't want to return them. In this case, the other user can't return them due to the ban, but I'm guessing it's going to equate to the same thing in the end..
You could try contacting support here but I wouldn't hold my breath that you get them back :(
Posted at 2014-06-18 15:47:32 — Link
Thanks you two for your reply
Timain I saw this thread before and as you said they won't help if the other user doesn't want to return them but I see that it is out of the user's hands I mean he can't return them I think it must be different a little from the thread =\ ?
as you say Timain I think I can't get them back agian but the problem that one of them is the father of my GP unicorns ^^" so I want him more than the other two ..
but anyway thanks for you two