Posted at 2014-05-12 01:25:35 — Link
I have for trade a nutpea or bamboo
I want 100 wood or ore. 100 pieces for fruit.(any combination)I hope is fair, please let me know if interested, thanksotherwise make an offer but I want resources.
Posted at 2014-05-12 01:25:35 — Link
I have for trade a nutpea or bamboo
I want 100 wood or ore. 100 pieces for fruit.(any combination)I hope is fair, please let me know if interested, thanksotherwise make an offer but I want resources.
Posted at 2014-05-12 05:18:07 — Link
Hi, I can trade you 100 stone and 100 clay for one melon and one heart fruit. Let me know if you are interested.
Posted at 2014-05-12 10:24:17 — Link
I could trade you 100 hops for a dragon maple :)
Unstable internet connection for Christmas. Please pardon my delayed responses.