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  • Sinbad
  • User
  • Posts: 5

Posted at 2014-04-19 02:07:41 — Link


Long, long ago, when the Earth was still young, magickal creatures of every kind lived together in harmony, thriving on the primal power at the center of the Earth, or as they called it, Terros.  Soon, however, humans were born.  The humans were able to tame a few of these creatures, and they lost their magick. These magick-less creatures became incapable of speech, or of any magick whatsoever.  Many species were driven to extinction because of the humans. 

Soon, the creatures began to rebel.  A wise Alicorn was able to create a portal to an uninhabited world.  Many, many creatures crossed into that world, and so their existence became a legend to the humans.  Some remained, however, refusing to abandon their homeworld.  The Terros was fertile on that planet.  Much of it was like Earth.

Occasionally, a strange blue box appeared, and a creature with strange power stepped out, usually giving the creatures seeds in order to make more food.  Sometimes, very rarely, he brought a companion.  They were able to understand him, and he was able to understand them.  He stopped appearing so often, and the creatures were able to create shelter for themselves.  They invented.  Some evolved over the generations.  And like themselves on Earth, the strange box became a thing of myth.

Now, however, Terros is in great need of heroes.  The humans have become extremely advanced, and are reaching out towards Terros, intending to claim the planet as their own.  A legend foretells of the strange box appearing, and of of the Chosen.  The Chosen are to lead Terros in a war against their former home, Earth.  One of each species.

And now, the war is upon us.  Pray, my brethren.  Pray for peace, and for victory for Terros.  For with a defeat, these creatures will cease to exist, forever.

Did anybody catch the reference? :3

"In a distant land, far, far away from man, deep in the galaxy, lives a world in which all of the magickal creatures that once were on earth, live.  They fled long ago, due to the terrorism of mankind, and found an uninhabited planet, where they now live.  But now mankind is reaching out, determined to find life in outer space.  One of each species, one generation.  They will save us all, and they will rise to the challenge ahead, ready to face their destiny." -The Book of Forgotten Lore

  • EmbyrPhoenix
  • User
  • Posts: 14

Posted at 2014-05-21 00:07:53 — Link

*catches reference*

*tosses it back to you*


This seems like an interesting start.  :)

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