Posted at 2014-02-08 02:28:48 — Link
On the day of 02-06 it was the last day a vagabond was staying at my inn, and I sent an invite to a geneticist. On the day of 02-07 when I clicked on my Inn building it said
"Geneticist stays at your inn now. This guest is going to reside here for another 2 days."
However today which is 02-08, there is no geneticist at my inn. Instead I get the message "Tourist stays at your inn now. This guest is going to reside here for another 2 days."
I am not sure if the geneticist is only supposed to stay for 1 day and the initial message was incorrect, or if the geneticist is supposed to stay for 3 days and incorrectly left early.
Any clarification would be appreciated,