Posted at 2014-02-06 06:44:14 — Link
Done now, thanks to Torhval
Posted at 2014-02-06 22:14:23 — Link
Smyurghs 3 GP1
I would take 1-2 females for an essence.
Posted at 2014-02-07 07:13:14 — Link
I don't have any female GP 1 symurghs but you can have 1 gp male and the only female(shes not GP). If not you could wait and i could see if i get any GP females tomorrow night?
Posted at 2014-02-07 13:06:39 — Link
If you still need it I can give you the 49 Lazulite and 1 essence of pestilence, I can also eventualy lend you Princess Abinare but she need to get her energy back.
Posted at 2014-02-07 22:15:36 — Link
OMG! Thank you sooooo much! I now only need 3 Lazulite (thanks to my buddy) and thanks again!