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  • DirrtyArt
  • User
  • Posts: 27

Posted at 2014-02-03 12:09:53 — Link


Is there anyone who has a pet that can craft the scheme's needed to build a kami? I hope I can borrow one from someone, I will return your pet, + a little gift as a thank you.


And I am urgently searching for 40 lazulite, I am willing to pay you a lot for it!

  • Lokison
  • User
  • Posts: 49

Posted at 2014-02-04 04:21:19 — Link

Do you still need Lazulite? I think I have 30 in my inventory and I don't really need it.

I can't help with the pet though, the one I have is borrowed for the same purpose.

But I know if you go on the main Kami forum and ask to borrow a pet, a lot of the higher players are willing to let you borrow their pets.

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