Posted at 2014-02-01 19:49:36 — Link
I need Essences of War, I have one and I still need 2 more.
Posted at 2014-02-01 19:49:36 — Link
I need Essences of War, I have one and I still need 2 more.
Posted at 2014-02-01 21:29:28 — Link
The essences can be founed while exploring, but I have founed only one so far, so it looks like they're hard to find...
Posted at 2014-02-02 03:12:32 — Link
Thank you. I should be able to find them now. I'm still searching for the other stuff though!
Posted at 2014-02-02 12:51:24 — Link
I have two, I want to trade them for other esences?