This is as far as I'm getting tonight... I watched a scary movie... I need to go distract myself...
Antigone - Female -
Dom: Diamond Horn, Quickmind, Thick skin
Rec: Magic Horn, Acute Eyesight, Quickmind, Massive Hooves, Fragrance, Faint-Hearted
Pedigree: Arthur, WH Wander, WH Recesiva, Heleus, Nameless, QH Softheart, Nameless (73956), Julifay, Aryel Serenaer, Golden Startfire, Dagon, Diana, Earthwalker, Lady Chesare
Last Wind - Male -
Dom: Magic Horn, Smart, Thick Skin
Rec: Magic Horn, Gracefulness, Regen
Pedigree: Strong Wind, Bellator, Dancer, Dusted, Nevada, Ahote, Wakanda, Last Legacy, Nazair, Fala, Prince, Jenica
Dolya - Female - GP3 -
Dom: Smart, Regen, Elemental Resistance
Rec: Quickmind, Massive hooves, Gracefulness, Regen, Fragrance
Pedigree: Bellator, Dusted, Nevada, Arapaho, Speckle, Radioactive, Dune, Dancer, Ahtoe, Wakanda, Actias luna, Payton, Reggie, Louisa
Koryo - Female - GP1 -
Dom: Solid horn, Quickmind, Agile Paws, Steel Muscles, Regen, Thick skin
Rec: Quickmind, massive hooves, gracefulness, regen, elemental vulnerability
Pedigree: Aydan of Ambar, Altan of Arcon, Princess Ella, WH Deathly Hollow, Rhoannelle, Prince Char, Snow White, Flaming Star, Stars of Thar, Zahyra, Golden Sands of Sarara, Tanita, Radomir, Zhorella
Silent Moon - Female -
Dom: Diamond Horn, Quickmind, Elemental Resistance
Rec: Magic Horn, Acute Eyesight, Determined, Steel bones, Fragrence
Pedigree: Silence, Zintagu, Lilly, Esephia Moon, Heleus, Kaeldene, Perseus, Andromeda
Onian - Male - GP1-
Dom: Agile Paws, Weak Muscles
Rec: Magic horn, acute eyesight, quickmind, clumsy paws, steel muscles, elemental vulnerability
Pedigree: Bay, arapaho, femme fatale, hallelujah, skein, nuvatar, zooey, onyx, ahern, isis, blackjack, nivi, night prince, veolynn
Amber - Female -
Dom: diamond horn, magic mirror
Rec: magic horn, acute eyesight, determined, steel bones, regen, magic mirror
Pedigree: Nameless (28481), caramel, epona, shoreline, terracotta, kaeldene
Plainbeast - Male - GP1 -
Dom: Poor hearing
Rec: magic horn, acute eyesight, quickmind, elemental resistance
Pedigree: Savanna, cookie, pudding, boneless, flurry, zerox, aurea, xanada, bay, kirsten, arapaho, femme fatale, crème, kolima
Drake - Male -
Dom: quickmind
Rec: magic horn, acute eyesight, determined, massive hooves, thin bones, regen, elemental resistance
Pedigree: jolly, gazpacho, mona, tziporro, gesci, darla, wintermagic, zhora, dh q ap g, solid horn, shadow in the dusk, zitha
Prarie Sun - Female -
Rec: Magic horn, small hooves, fragrence
Pedigree: Shoreline, shadowfell, severus, fiano, morpheuss, starheart
Zion - Male -
Dom: small horn, poor hearing, agile paws
Rec: magic horn, determined, clumsy paws
Pedigree: Wild
Ghost - Female, GP2 -
Dom: smart, agile paws, regen, light bones
Rec: magic horn, quickmind, massive hooves, steel muscles, regen
Pedigree: mist over bright lights, radiance of light, dark moon over alashan, warrior of light, zahyra, golden sands of sahara, sholeen, rhabanna, shadow in the dusk, rhiannon, snap, tyanna, icefire, savannah
Spirit - Male -
Dom: smart, agile paws, regen, fragrance
Rec: quickmind, regen, massive hooves, fragrence
Pedigree: sagitta, aero, (funky symbols), prince char, snow white, muhammad shan III trinity, dolya, bellator, dancer, dusted, nevada, ahote, wakanda
Demona - Female -
Dom: quickmind, agile paws, elemental resistance
Rec: fragile horn, quickmind, fragrence
Pedigree: sagitta, aero, (funky symbols), prince char, snow white, muhammad shan III trinity, domina noctis, ohansee, myth, gambit, dashelle, bellator, dancer
Majesty - Female -
Dom: solid horn, agile paws, fragile paws
Rec:solid horn, quickmind, regen
Pedigree: Lash, argent, rain, blackjack, sylvie, apache, nameless (38386), nameless (24806)
Murdered in a Minute - Male -
Dom: solid horn, agile paws, strong muscles, elemental resistance
Rec: Magic horn, quickmind, steel bones, weak muscles, fragrence
Pedigree: Lewis, elwe thingol, rose bud, zeus, tintalle, spinel, garnet, kristen, crème, kolima, cynurus, creamy dreams, raven, zaire
Nameless - Male -
Dom: magic horn, poor hearing, smart, elemental resistance
Rec: magic horn, deaf, massive hooves, gracefulness, regen, fragrence
Pedigree: Fiore, boneless, blanchfleur, coruscate, inara, ruse, nameless (111003), nameless (102064), golden sands of sahara, tanita, bellator, dancer
Nameless - Female -
Dom: magic horn, acute eyesight, (UNKNOWN)
Rec: magic horn, acute eyesight, determined, small hooves, regen
Pedigree: fiore, boneless, blanchefleur, coruscate, inara, nameless (28484), kaeldene, caramel, epona