Hmm lol, you really should not be 'testing' it like that I think, not too sure but...
but lol, I don't think I never really noticed, I just only thought it was supposed to be some easier way of breeding pets Did not check if it actually counted on the weekly charts or not, lol...
but admittedly, I would LOVE that option for pets who are NOT on breeding offers, I really don't like going to every pet pages to click and then breed...then click and breed, click and's kinda a bit of an annoying hassle...I'd rather have the same scrolling option as they do for pets in breeding offers so it's easier for me to breed my pets more successfully with lesser hassle..(I am thinking some other people might have been doing this to breed their own pets faster with less hassle perhaps? not sure but maybe it might be...)
oh, Angel, can we please please please Implement this feature? Cause I'm sure some people might use the breeding offer option cause it's just easier to breed your own pets if you are breeding several pets to one male Instead of running to every female's page and breed them to that male....just a small suggestion.
oh and @Zaltys, maybe you could put this to suggestion area or so, and side it with my idea if you want, this is not really a 'bug' I don't really think so...just FYI, but it is a nice topic to bring up and maybe Angel might add it to next update maybe?
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