Posted at 2013-10-11 21:11:43 — Link
Is there any way to use superfluous schemes ingame other than selling them?
Schemes, like golem and building schemes for example, aren't needed more than 1 per item type and account (golem schemes are re-usable and buildings are built only once per level).
Since pets in our accounts do find schemes over and over again although there is no use for more than one per type and account, it's logical that there are, in the end, many superflous schemes laying around in inventaries and item trades. The shop for exchanging them doesn't help, since even if you do need the exchange scheme it offers, you'll find 20 next superflous schemes before you come acoss the next exchange shop.
When the game goes life, this must earlier or later lead to scheme prices around 1 silver coin per scheme since there will be too many of them in the game.
Is there any other ingame way to use them?
Or can we only hope that a sell-back option to the state store will be implemented once in future?
I shot the thread but I didn't shoot the TO