Posted at 2013-09-11 20:14:37 — Link

Clarification for everyone so please read carefully:

If you hadn't subscribed to this thread,( please do so ,Also, we are not 'taking turns' if you mean as in Person A is done so we wait and let Person B go...they might be offline or busy, it's not practical.

what we are doing is more or less, if a person has claimed the portal, we let them reach their 10 hours then we fight and take it, there isn't 'hey I am done with portal, it's your turn so you come on up' thing so ANYONE can take the portal when the person is done with their 10 hours and got the pet, and while they are waiting for their pet, we are so much on peace mode and we let them get their pet...etc...the cycle continues.

so please I do not want to hear anyone getting upset because it's supposedly 'their turn', people might end up with double shots with the claiming portal since technically, the person there before got their pet and is done waiting so it means we are free to go attack and claim it for the next 10 hours, do you will need to move fast In attacking and claiming, but the moment you notice a name change, it means someone else got the portal and now we wait. (Maybe if you ask someone, they might be nice enough to not claim so fast, but again, I don't know)

again, keep posting to the thread there with the time count, and add a few more minutes for safety reasons.


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