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  • ObiKemnebi
  • User
  • Posts: 56

Posted at 2013-07-26 03:46:38 — Link

I don't if there already is one of these on this site, so I figured I'd make one just in case. I've done a few other adoptables sites before, and there was usually a thread where people who were quitting/restarting the game or who needed to make room for babies would give extra pets to newbies who wanted a leg up. I think this would work well here.

If you've got pets you would like to give to charity, great! As someone who remembers that first time somebody gifted me a pet with nothing but a "Welcome, and good luck!" I thank you in advance for those contributions!

If you have time to wait for someone to specifically ask for a pet, post it here! If this works out like I hope it will, a new user can and will PM you to ask if that pet is still up for grabs, and you can work out the details of how the give away will work amongst yourselves.

If you bred or bid on a pet and then realized too late that you don't have room, PM me! Any pets that need to be given away NOW can be taken care of by myself (and anyone else who wishes to volunteer for the task of Fostering). Let me know you want to charity something but can't wait, and then gift it to me with that specification. I'll have a special group in my pets reserved for emergency charity pets, and will then post those here normally. Please save this for emergencies only, as I have a feeling I'll run out of room rather quickly!

If you're a new user and would like one or two freebies to help get you on your feet, post here. If an old user stops by and happens to have a pet matching your preferences, thay can PM you an offer as easily as post the pet here for you to find. Please note, this does not gaurantee you will get one. If you don't get one, please don't post repeatedly or rudely. That will not improve your chances in the slightest.


New users, if this goes through, take heed: You are NOT entitled to this! Older users are NOT obligated to choose this route over sale or the pound. If you can't find a posted pet, sorry, but you'll just have to work your way from the ground up like they did. If you do successfully find and receive a posted pet, great! Now say thank you, and let somebody else have a go. Let's not be greedy and hoard free pets, please!

Old users, please don't feel I'm pressuring you to do this. I simply have had good experiences with this in the past, as both gifter and gifted, and think this might help build a stronger community of BeastKeepers. If you choose to gift a pet, I thank you ahead of time! If not, no worries, keep having fun playing your way!

Is it okay for a new user to ask for or accept more than one free pet? Yes. Is there a reasonable limit to how many free pets an idividual should get? Yes. Is there a way to prevent one new user from asking five different old users for charity pets? No. Should you do it anyway? No. The honor system is a wonderful thing, people! Let's use it, shall we?

Standard forum rules, of course. Be courteous and graceous to others, keep the language G-rated, etc. And above all: HAVE FUN! It's a computer game; if it's not fun, why play it? Don't take it too seriously. If you don't want to play a part in this, then don't If you do, then do so--but please don't pressure anyone else if they don't want to. This is totally an optional thing. Let everyone make their own choices!

  • Kisara
  • User
  • Posts: 54

Posted at 2013-07-26 16:11:17 — Link

I love this idea!

“Obstacles are only obstacles if you see them as obstacles. They can also be called opportunities.”
-Tucker Max

  • ObiKemnebi
  • User
  • Posts: 56

Posted at 2013-07-26 21:38:17 — Link

Moving this down to the Giveaways category in the Community forums, as I think it fits better there.

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