Posted at 2013-07-11 16:29:32 — Link


The name should explain itself.

Just needs some input and some designated players.

Here are some starting reminders.

1. The sanctuary gives replenishment once a day.

2. Energy flow cards, State Portals.

3. Every Ridinghall can only take in "X" amount of pets to be trained.

4. Trustworthy players.

5. Temporary pet trades for speed training.

6. Explore Located Islands.

7. Each level goes up by increments of 10.

8. Time Zones- I.E. Players may not be on daily, or are on different times of the day which would help with expansion and attaining the level 50 goal.

9. Types of Pet Training subgroups in general to level 50 - Is it Wild? Personal (I.E. Special use, genetic power producer, or Custom Skin)? Newborn? Had children prior to level 50? No children?

10. General purpose / main priority of training chosen pet. Can be short and brief.

11. Total EXP needed to max level?

12. Current pet level attained.

13. Levels of buildings.

14. Organized teams for quick and efficient leveling.

“Obstacles are only obstacles if you see them as obstacles. They can also be called opportunities.”
-Tucker Max