Posted at 2013-07-02 04:25:42 — Link

mostly gryphons, a few Pumas as well. ideal prices listed, pm me with offers. red owl gryphon, female. uncommon color. From pound so a few days to wait. six hundred silver or above. yellow gryphon, male.comon color. three hundred silver or above. white-tailed kite gryphon, male. RARE COLOR! two thousand silver or above. black gryphon, male. uncommon color. one thousand silver or above. snowy owl gryphon, female. very uncommon color. one thousand five hundred silver or above. cloudy leapord puma, female. very common color. two hundred silver or above.


please make offers, these prices are a minimum. I'm willing to negotiate.

selling a large amount of griffins in uncommon to rare colors, feel free to make an offer!