Posted at 2013-06-07 22:15:44 — Link
Hello, i have a question about red stats. Is there any way to get rid of them? Like buying the magical food in the Prem shop? Will that help get rid of the red stats?
Posted at 2013-06-07 22:15:44 — Link
Hello, i have a question about red stats. Is there any way to get rid of them? Like buying the magical food in the Prem shop? Will that help get rid of the red stats?
Posted at 2013-06-07 23:59:04 — Link
Red stats are caused by genes - theres no way to make them un-red other than by breeding out the gene in their offspring. (Or by using a mutagen and hoping for the best)
The magical food in the Prem shop increases the total stat amount that the pet has, but the red -% is calculated from the total stat amount that the pet has at the moment, and not what it was back at level one. So even if you keep feeding magic foods to increase the stat, you'll also be increasing the amount lost... because the red gene takes out a percent of the total.
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