Posted at 2013-04-29 01:59:24 — Link
Sorry for the vague title but I'm hoping for more items like the bandages, which would be useful for both newbies and veteran plays and it's craftable and consumable so people will actually have a such for some of the lesser-used resources. Maybe something like these?
- Charms to give a pregnant, taming, growing, or adopted creature to reduce their respective wait times. You can only give them one charm however, so people can't reduce the wait time to zero.
- Potions to temporarily boost a creature's stats for either 24 hrs (so it can battle, construct, craft, and explore) or it can be used one per island visit (so it can beat monsters easier). Whichever is less broken.
- Similar to the Druid invite, a charm to give to a pregnant mother so the characteristics of her baby are boosted by 10%.
- Bait to be given to observers (so they'll actually have a use once you get a Cartographer's guild!) so when they are placed in dens, they might have a chance to attract (ie spawn) a creature. Different kinds of bait attract different kinds of creatures. It might only work around the respawn time, though, so it functions like a cheaper Magician in your inn?
These may or may not be broken in terms of gameplay, but I thought that bandages were a step in the right direction and I would really like to see more of that sort of thing. P: