Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Suggestions < More consumable crafted items


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  • Piney
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  • Posts: 214

Posted at 2013-04-29 01:59:24 — Link

Sorry for the vague title but I'm hoping for more items like the bandages, which would be useful for both newbies and veteran plays and it's craftable and consumable so people will actually have a such for some of the lesser-used resources. Maybe something like these?

  • Charms to give a pregnant, taming, growing, or adopted creature to reduce their respective wait times. You can only give them one charm however, so people can't reduce the wait time to zero.
  • Potions to temporarily boost a creature's stats for either 24 hrs (so it can battle, construct, craft, and explore) or it can be used one per island visit (so it can beat monsters easier). Whichever is less broken.
  • Similar to the Druid invite, a charm to give to a pregnant mother so the characteristics of her baby are boosted by 10%.
  • Bait to be given to observers (so they'll actually have a use once you get a Cartographer's guild!) so when they are placed in dens, they might have a chance to attract (ie spawn) a creature. Different kinds of bait attract different kinds of creatures. It might only work around the respawn time, though, so it functions like a cheaper Magician in your inn?

These may or may not be broken in terms of gameplay, but I thought that bandages were a step in the right direction and I would really like to see more of that sort of thing. P:

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-04-29 06:05:16 — Link

I support all of these!

Also add them to the "suggest and item thread" Here. Most of the items seem to be suggested here.

I like the idea of bait. I haven't seen a gryphon in AGES.

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  • somehow
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Posted at 2013-04-30 18:09:09 — Link

Sounds interesting! Support~!


  • seph
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Posted at 2013-05-01 13:07:36 — Link

Wow those charms really sound like they could reduce the amount of gems in my inventory and be useful. xD

So full support.

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  • MintChip
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Posted at 2013-05-11 09:10:41 — Link

Woah, those charms sound wonderful, I definitely support this!

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-11 20:48:01 — Link

Absolute support for this! Just the other day I was thinking that many of the resources have no use at all anymore once you have the corresponding buildings. Useable items like bandages would be a wonderful addition in my opinion! And I love your ideas for the items!

  • AreilDogs
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Posted at 2013-05-12 22:19:25 — Link

Full support! :)

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  • Aelisk
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  • Posts: 303

Posted at 2013-05-12 23:09:14 — Link

I agree that consumables are a step in the right direction - They create demand for materials even after all buildings are built. Right now, the only golems worth building at my stage are laminaria and vermillion, because those are the only materials I will ever use. Cotten... I have a bunch stored up, but bandages are eating away at those stores, slowly. Maybe I'll need to care about it at some point. More consumables are a great way of liquidating the giant stores of materials older members have stashed away. 

Its also been awhile since new features came out, and consumable additions would make things more interesting. 

I would like to see some method of partial energy regain outside of explore. Its fine if there's some time limit between uses, its fine if its premium, just implement something that regains 5 energy instead of 10. When Sanctuary and Energy Potions just regain the full amount, its a waste to use them at anything other than 0 energy. Its real frustrating to let a pet idle when it has 3-4 energy, is close to leveling, and has no one to fight in battles. Lack of partial energy regain outside explore also discourages Beast Temple on the first explore of the day. You spend 5 energy to get in, don't take any losses. But If you challenge and lose to the Beast Temple, you don't get a chance to use your bandage - you're kicked out and you have 4 energy. Real annoying.

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