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  • AreilDogs
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  • Posts: 188

Posted at 2013-04-08 21:21:47 — Link


All I really remember is being alone. All alone. My earliest memory is the feel of my mothers soft fur, and they crys of my littermates. I rememebr that awful day, the day the hunters took my mother away from us. We sat huddled in a hollow log until they left. That memory still haunts me no matter how hard I try to shake it away. I taught myself alot of what I know, such as how to find shelter, avoid preadators, hunt, swim and fight. I go where I wish, except into the pack's camp. There is two of them, their territorys dividing the forest. I've watched them sometimes, but never approached. I never will. I sometimes wish I wasn't alone, but those times are rare. Those are the times I watch the packs. I'm pretty sure I'll always be alone. I think.

 I've learned that goodbyes

Will always hurt

Pictures never replace

having been there

Memories good and bad

Will bring tears

And words can never

Replace those feelings


  • AreilDogs
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  • Posts: 188

Posted at 2013-05-04 23:57:49 — Link

Moon One


Chapter 1

I walked through the forest, making sure my paw steps landed silently. Soft and silent. Soft and silent. The mouse was still in my view, and I readied myself to pounce. I was just about to spring forward when a bird called a warning call and the mouse darted into a hole. "Tree rot!" I glanced around to see what the bird had screeched about and soon my eyes rested on a young bobcat. I glared at it and it looked at me sheepisly before racing away into the undergrowth. I sighed, and began to sniff the air. I soon picked up the scent of mice furthur ahead and padded towards it. As the mice came into view I stalked forward until I was a small branch-length away. I bunched my muscles and lauched, killing two when I landed on them. I gulped them down, and looked around. No wonder there had been so many mice here! There were seeds, seeds and more seeds lying on the ground. I stretched, and laid down in the soft dirt. I had only closed my eyes breifly when a strange soudn filled my ears. What...? I got up and padded away from the sound. I listened closer, and relized it was something from those strange creatures that sometimes came into the forest. I backed away and fled away from the sound. When I reached a small stream I stopped and caught my breath before lapping up some of the cool, glistening water. I gradually swam in, and paddled down-stream enjoying the feel of the water on my fur. I've always loved the forest, and most any other place I go. Not the city though. Oh, I hated the city. The air was choking, and it made it hard to breath. I didn't stay long. I continued to swim down-stream, letting the current carry me. I took a deep breath, and ducked under the water. This was another thing about the pack wolves. They don't like going underwater, just swimming above. I watch as fish go by, and soon resurface. I can hold my breath for so much longer, but today I want to see the land go by. I let myself be carried just a bit farther and then root my paws in the pebbles beneath me. I jump onto the shore and shake my wet fur until its just damp and not soaking wet. I'm on the border now, and I turn my paws away from it and towards the lusher parts of the forest. 


 I've learned that goodbyes

Will always hurt

Pictures never replace

having been there

Memories good and bad

Will bring tears

And words can never

Replace those feelings


  • Kiavani
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Posted at 2013-05-13 14:53:55 — Link

I like the story so far. ^_^

  • AreilDogs
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  • Posts: 188

Posted at 2013-05-21 05:15:27 — Link

Chapter 2

I walked for a bit until I found a sheltered nook to rest in. I stretched and lay down. My body was tired, but my mind was fully awake. I lay watching the stars, wondering what it would be like to fly. I shook my head. What nonsense! Only birds and bats could fly, as I knew. Wolves simply couldn't fly. I closed my eyes, willing sleep to come. A owl hooted a ways off, and my eyes flicked open again. "Uuugh." I tried stretching out, but that didn't help me sleep. Something was troubling tonight, but I wasn't sure what. I closed my eyes tight, determined to fall asleep. Come on, fall asleep! Asleep already! I howled in my mind. Suddenly a deep calm came over me and I drifted into a light sleep

A strange shadow fell across me like a bird. I looked up, expecting to see just a hawk, its shadow inlarged by the sun but what I saw shocked me. It was a wolf, gliding in the air its feathered wings flapping quickly. A flying wolf? Somewhere in my mind I knew I was dreaming but I really didn't want to wake up. I howled up at the wolf as loud as I could. "How are you flying!?" It looked down and suddenly folded its wings against its sides before plummeting to the earth. I whispered again. "How do you fly...?" The wolf seemed to smile, and then chuckle quietly. "What do you think these wings are for, young one?" The winged-wolf shook his head. "B-but I mean... How did you get the wings?" The wolf seemed to enjoy taunting me. "I was born with them." I growled in frustration. "Thats not what I meant! I mean... Ugh, just forget it!" The winged-wolf looked at me in mock sympathy. "I take it you want to fly?" I muttered no, and turned my paws. "I'm fine I way I am." There was a slight snarl in my voice but I didn't try to hide it. "Mmmhmm. Sure you are. Thats what all the ones I vist say." I growled, turned and rushed away into the forest.

I woke with a jolt, the dream still clear in my mind.

It doesn't mean anything Rin! Its just a dream. You know that perfectly well.

I shook my head, knowing pondering the dream was silly, a waste of time.

Hunger gnawed at my belly and I stood ready to hunt or scavenge, but the dream was still fresh on my mind.

It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't mean anything...

 I've learned that goodbyes

Will always hurt

Pictures never replace

having been there

Memories good and bad

Will bring tears

And words can never

Replace those feelings


  • MeadowLeaf
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  • Posts: 2

Posted at 2015-07-04 06:17:10 — Link

I like it so far. It's interesting. :)

  • princessslothie
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Posted at 2015-09-11 06:08:33 — Link

I love it! Great job!


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