Posted at 2013-03-30 05:23:34 — Link

So, I was just thinking how nice it'd be to be able to use WASD to explore instead of the arrow keys (since I'm used to left-handed navigation in games and I like to have my right hand on the mouse so I can still click links and whatnot to change pets, etc.)

So, I just now created an Auto-Hotkey script that allows me to do this. I added some basic functionality to some other keys too so that I could more easily switch between pets and click dialogue boxes.

Anyways, I just thought that other people might find this useful so I decided to post it here. This has been tested in Chrome and Firefox but it may work in other browsers.

Use this script at your own risk. I am not responsible for any harm or damage to your computer, person, property, sanity, spirituality, quality of life, limbs, pets, property, friends, social life, or basically anything at all that might result through the use of this script or the autohotkey program.

I also checked the Terms and Conditions in case this was against the site rules, and found no mention of using a 3rd party program to assist you in playing the game. In fact, I found no mention of third party programs at all, so. Since this script doesn't automate playing the game at all anyways, and you still have to press buttons to get it to do what you want -- I don't see how it would be an issue. It's not even any different from using a mouse and keyboard really. It is meerly an extension to the functionality of a keyboard. In fact, some high-end keyboards have similar functions built into them that allow you to automate tasks such as this.

You'll need to install the program AutoHotKey in order to use this script. Then you'll need to copy the script and save it in a text document using the .ahk extension. If you need help in doing so I can amend this to include instructions on how to accomplish this, although there are plenty of help pages online on how to setup and use AutoHotKey already.

Anyways, without further ado, here is the script. Copy everything from here down for the script:


;Starting of the autohokey script

;Suspends the  functionality of the hotkeys, works like a pause feature
;can be assigned to any key but I use F12 because it's easier for me


;w to go up

;a to go left

;s to go down

;d to go right

;q to use escape, used to close dialogue boxes

;e to go to the explore page
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;1 key goes to the first page of pets, url can be edited to go to any page you want
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;2 goes to the second page of pets
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;3 goes to the third page of pets
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;4 goes to the forth page of pets
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;5 goes to the fifth page of pets
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;b goes to my pet battlers group
;url can be customized to your own group by replacing the and url
;hotkey can be changed to whatever you want or can be deleted
url := ""
Suspend, On
Send, {F6}
Send, %URL%
Send, {Enter}
Suspend, Off

;End of the autohotkey script