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  • Mouse
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  • Posts: 210

Posted at 2013-03-29 14:58:26 — Link

For those of you who haven't seen this new edition tto our forum, it's here: I feel like the list of banned users should be kept private between the staff. I don't feel it's respectful to post in a public place, and while I get that the Staff want to prove that they will ban, if need be, I would prefer a "number of users who have been banned" thread instead of explicitly stating names. It's like if I had a blacklist, of users who I wouldn't do deals with because of an argument or something and I posted it on the forum, those users would ask me to remove it because it's disrespectful and may hurt their buisness reputation. A bannedlist is like a blacklist, exept the people on it don't see it. I'd also like the big This user has been banned. message to be removed from the profile. I don't support people not being able to know who's been banned, for exapmle if somebody PMs a staff member, saying "Where's my friend Blah Blah?" it would be oky for the staff to say "Blah Blah has been banned", but it shouldn't be publicized.

I call Vermillion "Vermi"

I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-29 19:13:17 — Link

It's a game status which should be clear for everyone. Other users should have a simple ability to see at once if the user is banned or not, without spending their time writing messages to this user and to administration. Also other users have the right to see why the user was banned. It's not a private information too because all the actions which can cause ban are public and done by the banned user publicly. We do not show any of the personal information of the banned user and do not break any of the privacy rules from our terms and conditions.

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