Posted at 2013-03-26 15:53:25 — Link
Hello there! I'm an unicorn breeder and I'll be posting the unis I have for sale.
Male 2: White, all black genes, already in trades
Female 2: Bay Skewbald, lvl 1, all black genes 900 silvers
Female 3 Bay Skewbald, lvl 1, all black genes 900 silvers
Female 4: Bay Skewbald, lvl 1, all black genes 900 silvers (reserved for lillya)
Female 5: White, lvl 1, all black genes. 500 silvers.
If you would like to buy any, pm me or post here :) Thanks!
♦ Check Out my Unis For Sale! ♦ GPed Unis, Counterstrike, Rare Colours & More!! ♦
I'm always buying Geneticist Invite