Posted at 2013-03-26 00:46:33 — Link
I'm far too tired and braindead to work out the Text Quest creation tool right now, but I did check that news post's sample auto-generated thing. It's too magnificient to not share and eulogise:
Having been a dental hygienist for most of your life, you reason that the best course of action is to knit a sweater very quickly. Unfortunately, the manatees in protective land-going suits are upon you too quickly and they are far too beautiful for your tactic to work! You scream as they use their poisoned knives upon your face and neck area! You are dying.
As the lights fade out and you drift off to the next plane of existence, you hear the voice of your mentor one last time saying, "Never leave that light on. It uses too much electricity."
Q_q An inspiration to all of us. Now that I've got this off my chest, goodnight everyone. I'll make acquaintance with the /real/ new features tomorrow. XD
From the small crumbs of earth
from the fleece of summer eve
from the memory of a single seed