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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-25 23:14:46 — Link

Have problems with your Hootscript, something works funny or doesn't work at all? Ask for help here.

  • Mouse
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  • Posts: 210

Posted at 2013-03-26 15:49:06 — Link

Here is my quest:

set [the gate is locked] to 1
/There is a dark wooden gate in front of you. You can _try the handle_./

[try the handle]:
if [the gate is locked] equals 1 then
  /Sorry, the gate is locked.  You can _unlock_ it./
 if [the gate is locked] equals 0 then /The gate is unlocked, you can open it and go through./end /What is _behind it_./end

set [the gate is locked] to 0
/You unlock the gate with the ancient brass key.  You can _try the handle_ again./

[behind it]: /Eek! A ghost! We need to light a fire! What should we use, _matches_, or a _lighter_?/

[matches]: /You scrape the match against the box. The flame scares away the ghost./

[lighter]: /Sputter... sputter... the lighter is out of fuel! Oh no!/

When I the first command (clicking _try the handle_ it says in a popup "Sorry, 'func' not (yet) supported!". When I close that and go on to the next command (clicking _unlock_), it says "Sorry, your sorry* can't continue because there is no "unlock" thing defined." When I close that, the "play your game" bar is empty. What am I doing wrong?


*text error

I call Vermillion "Vermi"

I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-26 18:29:55 — Link

Mouse, it seems that there's a problem with nested if-else. We'll forward this issue to Hoot developer.

Right now there are 2 ways to make the script work:

1) Use simple if-else without nesting:

[try the handle]:
if [the gate is locked] equals 1 then
/Sorry, the gate is locked.  You can _unlock_ it./
/The gate is unlocked, you can open it and go through. What is _behind it_./

2) Move the block with nested if-else to the end of the script (I suppose this will work if script has only one nested if-else construction).

  • Shieb
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  • Posts: 8

Posted at 2014-09-27 07:15:42 — Link

Okay, I'm a long way into a coding session (should really sleep, but who needs that), and I've hit a bump. I say bump because I can move things around, but I don't understand why I have to.

The problem is this: I have three 'if' codes owned by one 'thing'. They're all properly closed (as far as I can tell, and I've been staring at it for half an hour). In the tutorial, it was demonstrated that this was no problem at all. However, when I apply this to my story, it eats all the code underneath it, and won't recognize all 'things' after it as 'things'. I'd like to be able to have 3 options (or more, who knows) without this happening. Any ideas?

Also, SPOILERS. >.>


[save the woman]:

if [strength] less than 12 then

/You run at the woman, swing your sword - and the imp lets go well fast enough to avoid your blade. It then dive-bombs you, reaching for your hair, sharp little teeth glinting in the fire.

{*} _Swing at the imp_, or

{*} _Dodge the imp_./ end


if [strength] equals 12 then

/You run forward and swing your sword. Weighed down by the blade, you swing a little lower than you should - and cut the hair of the woman. The imp flies backwards from its own force with a surprised screech, hitting its head on a wall, hard, and finally falling to the ground.

{*} _Kill the imp_, or

{*} _Turn to the woman_./ end


if [strength] greater than 12 then

/With a mighty swing and a step, you cleave the hideous creature clean in half. The woman only panics more, however, as the imp's feet did not release her hair. She grabs the remains and tosses them as far as she can muster.

{*} _Turn to the woman_, or

{*} _Run down the alley_./ end


EDIT: I did some more experimenting. On the original Hoot site, this problem does not occur.

  • SqueedlyBee
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Posted at 2019-05-21 22:18:32 — Link

I don't suppose there is a way of adding variables together with Hootscript?

  • SquishCat
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  • Posts: 107

Posted at 2022-11-25 06:54:22 — Link

Im getting an error that says "Sorry, 'func' not (yet) supported!" when I test play my quest. Specifically when I try to go the the "Blanket" thing in the quest. All things listed below the "Blanket" thing don't register as existing. If I remove the functions highlighted the error disappears. Any idea what's going on or what I can do to fix it? Thanks!

Link to doc with quest:


UPDATE: So apparently adding blank else statments to the if statments fixed it completely. so yeah, there's that lol

Looking for stable (lvl 5) blueprint and wood! All pets in Pound and SPSB tabs free to anyone who wants them.

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