Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Bugs Archive < [solved] Losing money


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  • SpaceShipRat
  • User
  • Posts: 135

Posted at 2013-03-20 01:31:50 — Link

I've been losing money lately and I'm not sure what happened. I had 40k a while ago, and I'm 10k down from that. Is it some old sale going through? did I buy something without realizing *confused*


It would be awesome if thee was a more specific transactions log that logged every single thing, including training, breeding expenses.

  • DragonSage
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  • Posts: 78

Posted at 2013-03-20 01:36:26 — Link

Have you done any gene research recently? Quickest way that I spend money is researching genes.


SOme of the missing money might be held up in auctions, if you bid on something and were outbid, the money you bid doesn't get returned until the auction ends

  • SpaceShipRat
  • User
  • Posts: 135

Posted at 2013-03-20 02:02:33 — Link

True! that does account for some of the money but still every pet is just 2k, isn't it?

Edit: Aaah I figured it out, it was the constructions. That big hit + genetic research accounts for everything! Closed, ty.

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