Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Suggestions < Increase food drops on islands


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  • lililira
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Posted at 2013-03-19 01:46:41 — Link

I've found myself in quite a predicament.

Simply put, I don't have enough food for all my pets. If I skip only a single day of exploring the islands, I end up having to spend money to pay for the food that I need to feed all my pets, and honestly I sometimes don't have the 4-5 hours I need to explore to get enough food every day. People aren't selling it either.

Each pet takes 18 units of food every day. That's fine if you have a small number of them, but when you have 25 it takes 450 units a day, and when you have 50 it takes 900 units, and it's near-impossible to get that amount in a single day currently. That's not even taking account that some islands don't give food, and that you need 6 different kinds of food.

I feel that as more and more people expand their pet collections, more and more people will have this problem.

Here is some number crunching I did to prove my point:

Each pet takes 18 units of food every day. 25 pets take 450 units. 50 take 900 units. 100 take up 1800 units. Finally, the maximum amount of pets is 200, and that would take 3600 units. As is, it is literally impossible to get enough to feed 50 pets if you only have a few hours to play every day. 

Each drop gives between 1-5 units of food. There can be a maximum of four drops on an island. Meaning that if you always get the food you need, and you always get the maximum amount, it takes a minimum of 45 trips to the islands to feed only 50 pets. However, sometimes there is no food on an island, and often there are only 1 or 2 drops, and those only give 2 or 3 food each.

Time wise, here are some more calculations. For me, on average it takes 3.5 minutes to completely clear an island. Assuming that you don't lose a single time, and that you get the maximum amount of food possible on each, and have no lag whatsoever, it takes 157.5 minutes to getenough food to feed all of your pets. That's more that 2 and a half hours.

It is, going by the numbers, impossible to play this game in a relaxed, easygoing manner and be able to provide enough food for all of your pets.

Maybe raise the maximum amount of food possible from each drop by 4 or so. Either that or raise the minimum amount to 3 or 4.

  • DragonSage
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Posted at 2013-03-19 02:44:35 — Link

I think the amount of food dropped is fine, especially since you consider all the monsters on the islands that have been helping themselves to the food before you get there.


Rather than change the food dropped, I'd rather see pets being tamed and baby pets need less food (since they are doing less work) or some of other suggestions that were mentioned on The Pound Rule thread.

  • lililira
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Posted at 2013-03-19 02:48:33 — Link

However, changing the amount that babies  and taming pets take up won't solve the problem, only delay it since babies grow up and wild pets get tamed. The only fixes I can see for the lack of food problem are either lowering the amount that pets need in general, having an alternate, more efficient way to get food, or increase the food drops on the islands. As is, this would be the best solution.

I added some more calculations based on the time it takes, and I must say that with every calculation I make, it makes me more and more curious why the amount of food in each drop is as low as it is, and why it was thought to be a good idea to make it this unbalanced.

  • DragonSage
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Posted at 2013-03-19 03:00:04 — Link

I still think the amounts dropped are perfectly fine, if you don't have the food it only costs a single silver per unit of food; the money from the town hall helps offset the cost not to mention the money you pick up from exploring. The 'loss' of this money, is a good thing; if too much money is floating around, it tends to drive up prices which can make it difficult for new players to get started.

  • lililira
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Posted at 2013-03-19 03:06:42 — Link

The thing is though, if you have more than 40 pets and not enough time to explore for as long as it takes to get enough each day, you will eventually end up with 0 silver, and even though the pound rule was repealed, you will never be able to make enough money or find enough food to get yourself out of that rut that you've gotten yourself into by not exploring for hours upon hours upon hours every single day. Because every day, you will log on to find that all your work trying to dig yourself out of that rut will have been for nothing because all the and silver you got the previous day was taken to feed your pets.

  • koben
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Posted at 2013-03-19 03:48:05 — Link

i support thie thorough -this- - method only.

yah truthful i have to say if you have too many pet for YOUR own time then you need to look at the big picture and cut back.


MAYBE instead of finding MORE food a creature would keep its 18 food point cap, but you only have to ASSIGN  6-10 of the points per creature.

  • DragonSage
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  • Posts: 78

Posted at 2013-03-19 04:12:37 — Link

I'd support the idea koben linked to, since it means the players who raised the pets were dedicated enough to get their levels up, and the increased food would be a reward for that. Across the board increases in food drops I won't support because the silver cost for food is so low per unit of food and that is lost money helps to counter inflation.

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