Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Bugs Archive < Minimizing/Expanding browser and Map/Explore


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  • Elviril
  • User
  • Posts: 116

Posted at 2013-03-14 19:57:27 — Link

Not a major bug, but still annoying having to refresh each time I change my window size.

From what I understand its a resizing issue. Each time when you Expand or Minimize your browser window some images are moved from their original spot.

Capture Wild Pet window:

-Catchers move to the side from the map

- Circles to place catchers on map become unclickable

Explore Window:

- Exploring pet image is moved on explore map

Following images show changes in expanded and minimized  versions. I apologise in advance if it stretches the post, but attach screenshot only lets us upload one screenshot per post unfortunately.

expanded window on Capture wild pet

minimizing window on Capture Wild Pet

expanding browser window on explore

minimizing browser on explore

  • irrimn
  • User
  • Posts: 240

Posted at 2013-03-15 07:19:20 — Link

This isn't so much a bug as it is just how browsers interpret the data sent from the server. There probably isn't a way to fix this since once the page is done loading there is no way for the browser to tell the server, "Hey I resized the page but because of how I interpret your absolute positioning some things messed up, so could you re-send me the positioning data for these models without me refreshing the page and requesting now info?"

See, browsers are funny like that.

To fix this "not really a bug" the script for drawing the models would have to be completely overhauled to compensate for this and/or the browsers would have to be coded to allow compensation for this affect.

TLDR; browser alignment problems can't be fixed.

  • Elviril
  • User
  • Posts: 116

Posted at 2013-03-15 11:22:22 — Link

considering that rest of the images do not jump I do believe that it can be fixed by additional coding on the site's side.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-15 11:57:00 — Link

The position of all the dynamic elements are calculated at the moment of page load / receiving the server response. irrimn is right, recalculating it on every window resize is an uncommon task. This can't be changed with simple restyling to the same positioning type which static images without scripting part use just because they are not static and the position can change at the any moment. All positioning client-side script libraries work like this.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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