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  • sunandshadow
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Posted at 2013-03-12 05:44:33 — Link

Some suggestions that I think would make gameplay more fun:



If a pet is level one, all monsters on the island should be level 3 or lower.  It is really hard to get those first two levels when you might enter an island and have to fight a level 5 (impossible for a level 1 pet with bad stats).

If a pet is level 10 or lower islands should have a much higher rate of laboratory, and should not have magic shops.  Scriptorium should offer to sell level 1 or 2 blueprints if the player doesn't have one to exchange.

If a pet is level 20 or higher there should be no laboratorys and a higher rate of magic shops.  Magic shops should not offer level 1 or 2 blueprints or schemes at all, only higher level ones, potions, scrolls, and stat foods.

Market buildings could give 3 trading offers, of which the player would only be allowed to accept 1.  Also, particularly low-value resources could be removed from the set the market offers to the players.  Magic shops could have lower prices for less useful items like invites, and a higher rate of mutagens for sale.

For all islands, monsters could be given higher or lower levels based on how close to the portal they are - small monsters near the portal, large far from the portal.

The overall rates of vermillion, adamantine, and cotton seem a bit low.



The price of hops in the state shop is also too low, and the price of wood too high.  Amnesia potions in the cash shop seem disproportionately expensive, but I imagine the whole cash shop will be redone when items that players have suggested are added.



Quests are heavily biased against players that only want to raise one or two species of pets.  Players are given too difficult of quests too soon, or not a high enough percentage of easy quests.

A quest that permanently used up a pet for 500 or 1000 silver could help remove some of the glut of bad-stat, boring-color pets that are going to start being dumped into the pound soon.

  • Restless
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Posted at 2013-03-13 06:06:48 — Link

No support. These suggestions aren't aimed at balancing, just making things easier. And I don't personally agree that they'd make the game more fun. Maybe the shop price change for hops/wood/amnesia potions, but that's it.

Like if you want your pet trained without battling, use a riding hall. And  vermillion, adamantine and cotton; those are things that you only need a small amount of anyway. And I actually think vermillion is too common, every other treasure chest is vermillion. :/

  • sunandshadow
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Posted at 2013-03-13 06:55:51 — Link

I disagree.  The intent of these suggestions is to make the game less frustrating; that soesn't have to mean easier.  For example, rearranging which buildings occur for which levels of pets doesn't give the player more stuff, it just gives it to them in a less frustrating and distracting order.  Lower level players don't have the silver to be spending on magic shop items, especially if they haven't yet realized they will get blueprints through quests and chests, and higher-level pets don't need laboratories.

  • Malfunction
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Posted at 2013-03-13 10:50:35 — Link

I support explore to become +3 to -3 opponents. I also think quests cater more to people with all species, but not sure how that could be remedied. The arrangement of monsters strengthening the farther away from portal is an interesting idea too.


I don't support the rest.

People create and catch new low level pets all the time. The ability to afford explore shop items is independant of pet level. I would hate to have to go on a specific lvl pet, just for the chance to gain a certain level blueprint/item, random is best.  Remember that any blueprint can be exchanged at a scriptorium, or sold to another user. This idea would certainly frustrate a lot of people, not make it more fun.

I love labs, I have plenty of lvl20+ pets with unresearched genes, the labs save me a lot of money and vermillion. Though I support the one Suggestion thread that said to give something else if we find a lab with a pet that does have all their genes researched.

Your market idea is biased. Who is to say what is considered low-level resources? Who is to say invites are unwanted as compared to mutagens? Some say invites are useful/not useful, some say mutagens are good/bad. Really up to the individual.

I don't like the quest idea for deleting pets. If the quest was common, by having a silver reward, it kind of encourages mass breeding. That, and I'd rather just have a way to delete pets without waiting for the quest to pop up, which is taking up a regular quest (what if I have no pets to delete?)

You don't need those resources(ver, adamantine, cotton) as much for building as you do wood/stone, which did become more common. Generally, by the time you found enough wood/stone, you have found the other resources you need or at least most of it.

  • koben
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Posted at 2013-03-13 17:58:26 — Link

state shop price just got tweated

bieased quests ask for a quest re-roll,

and no support for assigning building raity to pet level every thing is random for a reason

supports -3 , - +3 levels

the cash shop i do image will be tweat once we can finally BUY gold coin.


  • RushingWolf
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Posted at 2013-03-13 20:55:41 — Link

I support everything except for the pet deleting quest.

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