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  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2024-07-02 03:55:12 — Link

I’ve noticed that a lot of players seem to have misconceptions about how the Arena works—this used to be common knowledge (and a relatively common playstyle), but a lot fewer people play these days. I finally had enough time to throw together a guide, so here it is. 

0. Basics

There are two ways to use the arena: autobattle (the “fight on arena” button on the pet’s page) and what I call hand-battling, on the Arena page. This guide focuses on the latter, because in my experience it's a better way to level pets and a far, far better way to get on the charts for gold.

Hand-battling uses your active pet. You can do this either with Battle Type set to either manual or automatic mode (I always do automatic, manual is too grindy even for me). 

Click the dot next to a  pet that’s being autobattled, then click on Accept Challenge. If you win, keep clicking; if you lose, find another pet to fight. Continue until you run out of energy, then switch active pets. 


1. Pick your gladiators. 

They should have good genes (stat boosts, useful abilities) but don’t have to be “perfect.” I recommend GP3 Lykoi with Tireless Heart, because extra energy helps a lot. I also recommend starting at level 1.

Allocate their stats so they’ll grow in the best ones. You can do this with one pet or several, depends on how stubborn you are and how bored you are by grinding. (Ideally what you want is multiple pets at different levels, but start with level 1, not level 50.)  

Allocate their attacks so that the one that does highest damage will be used the most often—usually this just means checking which number is highest and giving that the most stars, but if your pet has an elemental attack they should probably be using Bite most often. 

Back to levels! I know some people chart with level 50 pets. I don’t—for one thing this is how I level most of my pets. But also I don’t like wasting the exp or putting all my eggs in one basket, and I like having my gladiators be at different levels so that they won’t all be hit by the same dead spots. 

Also, the one time I experimented, my level 1 gryphons did better than my level 50 lykoi despite having a lower energy cap (though the lykoi did still benefit more from the sanctuary, so they eventually pulled ahead based on that). That was just one week, though, so it might not be reliable data. 

You can level as many pets as you like, but obviously no more than ten can get into the charts (and I’ve never seen the charts so dead that one person got all ten spots, though it’s possible to get several). The more gladiators you keep active at once, the more often you’ll have to replace them (if you’re retiring level 50s, anyway). 

Also, how much grinding can you tolerate? The more pets you’re leveling each week, the more grinding you have to do. This can get very, very boring.


2. Grinding

Battle each morning and evening. Some days there'll be nothing at your level, or everything at a given level will be GP3 perfects. It happens. If you get an empty patch of arena, set your gladiators to autobattle. (Autobattle on its own is a lousy arena chart strategy, but as a supplement it’s better than nothing.) 

(It may not be necessary to battle twice a day—sometimes I forget half the time and still get in the charts. Other times I do that and wind up shut out of the charts. It depends on how many other people are hand-leveling in a given week.) 

The charts "roll over" at 00:00 server time on Sundays. Battles before that count for the "current" week on the charts; battles after are a new week. 


3. Use your Sanctuary. 

Have you built your Sanctuary yet? It’s the first building on the list of recipes in the Help dropdown, and it’s very useful: it restores one pet’s energy to maximum each day, so it’s like a free daily energy drink. (Build it with 10000 silver, 200 marble, and 50 amethyst. You also need a pet with Intelligence of at least 60, and of course the blueprint.) 

If you can get charts to load, use Sanctuary on whichever pets place highest. Otherwise, just take a guess and use it on pets that you can battle with at that moment. You can use it once on seven different pets, twice on three, three times on two, or use it on the same pet seven times. What’s best depends on how busy the arena is, whether you miss battling sometimes, and how bored you get grinding. All other things being equal, a pet that gets Sanctuary’d seven times will beat pets that only got Sanctuary’d once, but any one pet might get set back due to arena dead spots during the week. 

You can use energy drinks if you want. I don’t, personally, so you will probably beat me if you do. (I mean, if I recommended this course of action I would be doing it myself, and I think it’s definitely not worth it to buy them from the premium shop just to place. But if you have some from exploring and this seems like a good way to use them, sure, go ahead.) 


Addendum: Silver. 

There are players who use the arena as a source of silver rather than gold. This requires very specific pets: cockatrices with the Bet Expert gene, and lots of them, autobattled pretty much all the time. For each victory, the player gets silver. 

I haven’t actually done this myself, so I don’t know how many cockatrices you need to get how much silver, or if it’s a good way to pay the food cost for large stables. But the people who do it have been doing it for a very long time, so presumably it works as they want it to work. 

If you have input to that last, let me know and I’ll add it into the guide. 

  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2024-07-04 22:33:17 — Link

which pets are the most successful for you? any genes you would recommend? Besides the lykos w/ tireless heart.

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2024-07-04 23:19:40 — Link

My standard is Ice Breath/Acute Eyesight/Berserker/Sharp Claws/Steel Bones/Hound/Tireless Heart/Ice Aura. 

Lykoi with Quickmind/Agile Paws instead of Berserker/Sharp Claws do about as well or a bit better.

Lykoi with Quickmind/Agile Paws + Light Bones are worse than my standard, but I don't think anyone but me really tried out that combo anyway. 

I haven't tested systematically with Ice Spikes or Elemental Resistance instead of Ice Aura—I don't remember there being a huge difference but it's been a long time since I had a pet with those genes to level up. 


Honorable mentions that don't have Tireless Heart: 

The suprisingly good gryphons were Musical Beak/Acute Eyesight/Berserker/Agile Paws/Steel Bones/Steel Muscles/Lionheart/Sharp Feathers. 

Throdama harvesters (grade 3) with Acute Eyesight/Quickmind/Agile Paws/Steel Muscles/Normal Organs/Elemental Resistance/Large Mandibles. 

(Some of my throdama have Nimble Paws or Thick Skin instead. I think those are mostly equal? Haven't made a study of it.) 

Sometimes I use Aromatic Beans to boost a throdama that I want to level for a week, so they have the same energy as  Tireless Heart lykos. But that's an event item so I don't do it super often, and I wouldn't recommend it as a strategy. 

ETA: Cockatrices with Acid Gland/Petrifying Gaze/Quickmind/Agile Paws/Steel Bones/Spitting Muscle/Regeneration/Stench also did very well for pets that don't have Tireless Heart. I've occasionally seen very good cockatrices get in the top ten slots (the genes might not have been identical, that's what I used but there are a few good cockatrice builds), but not when someone was actively battling lykoi. 

  • Tiger_Claw
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  • Posts: 172

Posted at 2024-07-05 01:39:21 — Link

what is the percentage of wins for a throdama? for example: # of losses and # of wins

have you experimented with symurghs or unis? 

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Sheliak
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  • Posts: 216

Posted at 2024-07-05 02:31:49 — Link

I don't usually keep track of percentages, so this is just this week, and this week I'm leveling one throdama and a few lykoi. So luck could be throwing things off. 

But my one throdama has 83% wins. That's third best percentage, after two lykoi with 86%. The lykoi range from 73% to 86%, and the average for all the lykoi is 78%. 

I haven't experimented iwth symurghs or unicorns—I've never really bred unicorns, and my symurghs are currently pretty terrible. 

  • Tiger_Claw
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  • Posts: 172

Posted at 2024-07-05 04:42:13 — Link

i have a symurgh with 96% wins and a uni with 90%

there are many cockatricss in the lvl 45-50 arena. when hand battling , how do your lykos do against them? or do you just skip them and attack other pets? 

also, do you mind making a battlefield guide?

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Sheliak
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  • Posts: 216

Posted at 2024-07-05 05:10:19 — Link

Wow! But unicorns are tough to fight so I shouldn't be surprised.

Yeah, there are almost always a bunch of level 50 cockatrices! (I think that's a couple of players' strategy for getting silver—lots of Bet Expert cockatrices autobattling all the time. Although it's been a bit since I checked so I could be making assumptions based on outdated info.)

If I have a choice I'll battle other pets because those cockatrices are tough, but my lykoi win some of the time against them, and I'll fight them rather than set my lykoi to autobattle. 

Again, I haven't kept scientific records about this—I think that in general, my level 50s do a bit worse fighting those cockatrices than my lower-level lykoi do fighting the rest of the Arena. But they do generally still do well enough to get on the charts.

(... I do tend to go through and look for the cockatrices that are named after bad genes they have.) 

I have notes for a battlefield guide, but I don't have it finished and I don't want to promise, especially not with a date—I don't know how long it'd take. 

  • PixieBunnii
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Posted at 2024-07-05 05:16:30 — Link

Thanks for putting in the effort to make this awesome guide :3 it's so detailed, u helped me understand a feature I was lost on before lmao

  • WarriorsFan#3126121
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Posted at 2024-11-02 22:12:45 — Link

Also, some good abilitys to use in battle can be:

  • Regeneration( Symurphs, Cockatrices, Unicorn )
  • Acid Strike ( Cockatrices)
  • Bet Expert ( Cockatrices, helps you earn money every time you win)
  • Fire Strike( Dragons)
  • Double Incisors ( Increases bite damage)
  • Berserker
  • Elemental Resitance ( useful aganist dragons, lykos, cockatrices)
  • Second breath ( possibly gain a bonus turn)
  • Musical Larnx ( Grphon, Lykos and Puma as far as I know)
  • Lightning Strike ( Roc )
  • Magic horn ( Unicorn)
  • 15 energy (Lykos)
  • Animal Instinct ( Dragon, puma,etc.)

Feel free to add to the list!

May Starclan light your path.

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