Posted at 2024-06-09 03:59:46 — Link

I'm hardly ever on anymore. I like the game and all, but this game is too much of a ghost town for me. I'm selling/trading everything I own here for things on Flight Rising. I will take gems, treasure, skins/accents, UMAs, G1s, LV25s, familiars, eggs and much more. I made a reddit post on the Flight Rising subreddit that shows all items I have (I'll link it below). My Flight Rising username is Nobody999. I'm most active on there so you'll get a much faster answer by messaging me on FL (I'll try to be as active as I can on here, but it might take a day or 2 for a response). 



Link to FL subreddit post (shows all items I have):

Trading everything I own on here, including all items and pets, for things on Flight Rising. There's a reddit post on the Flight Rising subreddit showing all items I have. For fastest response, find me on Flight Rising, my username is Nobody999.