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  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-02 06:38:09 — Link

New Question 1/12

"You have updated Scheme: Deviance Extractor"


"You have updated Blueprints: Astrologist (lvl 3)"

What does updating a scheme/blueprints do, if anything? 



Are there "Dailies" to do? Things you can only do once a day?

                    Answered- Exploring, Pets are fed daily from inventory or silver

One of my pets has stars. How do I give my other pets stars?  

                    Answered- Level pet to 50, breed together get 1GP(star)

                              Or breed together already star pets


One of my pets had a baby. Can I sell the baby? Is it worth anything? 

                     Answered- Possibly 5000 coins. Reality- it didn't sell

                                          Donated to pound for 500 silver


I see a new event happening. I have seen deviance mentioned multiple times but I still don't have the slightest clue what its about. 

            Answered- Deviance has a 1/10 chance when coat pattern DNA recessive and dominant are identical for both parents. Example- Both parents have recessive and dominant 'black' as their coat color, then their offspring has a 1/10 chance of being deviant.



How do I earn money? And vermillian- that seems to be going away quick and I don't seem to be getting any more. 

                Answered; Doing quests is a good way to earn money, also sending high level pets to explore they get more silver then lower level pets. High level pets without GP(green stars) get defeated way easier then the ones with stars. 

VERMILLION is the red powder pile! I didn't realize that till just now, ten days after playing lol. 



  • arete
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Posted at 2024-01-03 13:11:00 — Link

Hello there.

You get 20 explores a day. Your pets are also automatically fed once a day. If you don't have food in your inventory it takes silver.

The best way of earning money is by doing quests. Try to adopt pets that can do at least one quest. Or buy one cheaply. These questers pay for themselves many times over.

To get stars - "descendant of heroes" or GP - you must level your pets to level 50. Then breed two level 50 together. I find it easier just to buy GP3 and breed with other GP3.

You can only sell grown up pets.

A deviant pet is when you breed say two cremello unicorns that are both Cream/Cream genetically, you have 10% chance of getting a deviant. To get liquid deviance you must extract it with a deviance extractor.

Vermillion can be collected on explore. Once you have a certain amount you can run a golem to double what you have.

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  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-04 02:47:21 — Link

Thank you. In my 'pairs' tab, Jasmine and Shiora are both Silver Puma's- so if I bred them together I would have a one in ten chance of having a deviant baby from them? 

How much does a 3 star pet usually sell for? 

  • Poe
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Posted at 2024-01-07 13:36:54 — Link

there are three kinds of stars - red and yellow and green.

on an animal profile page the red ones refer to the so-called degeneration, the yellow ones refer to the so-called deviance, the green ones refer to the so-called genetic power.

- getting red star(s) depends on breeding an animal with its relative. this is called inbreeding and is traced via animal lineage.

- getting yellow star(s) depends on breeding two animals with equal genetics responsible for their appearance.

- getting green star(s) depends on the animal training level.

  • arete
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Posted at 2024-01-07 14:23:43 — Link

It depends on the pumas' genes.

Are they both double silver? In other words dominant AND recessive silver? The you have 10% chance.

If your pet has three stars, GP3, it still depends on their genes, coat and whether or not they are deviant to find a value.

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  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-07 23:56:57 — Link

I am unsure how to tell, it says their color is silver but when I research the genes the coat paint color shows different things. Why are they silver if the coat color of one of them is 'grey' Its confusing. 

I assume the paintbrush icon is coat color but not sure. 

Also someone gave me a deviant pet but the yellow star only shows up in the genetics not under the name, I have seen red star ones in the breeding area and those seem to sit right next to the green ones. 

  • Miya
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  • Posts: 15

Posted at 2024-01-08 00:34:22 — Link


Why does this gryphon have a yellow star, but when I click on it- it doesn't show that it is a deviant, it doesn't have the star next to the coat color? 

  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-08 00:37:01 — Link

Here is an image to show the yellow star on the above gryphon in listings. 

  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2024-01-08 02:33:20 — Link

the green gene is the dominant gene, which is the one that shows. to have a deviant, the green one and the other one both have to be the same.

the paintbrush is coat color, the stripes underneath is coat pattern. the color name doesn't always match up with the genes lol

that's a red star, they show degeneration, so basically the opposite of a green star 

a yellow star only shows on the genetics, but there will be an asterisk next to color if the pet is a deviant 

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-09 18:14:28 — Link

Okay, thank you 

  • Miya
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Posted at 2024-01-13 01:56:21 — Link

So, I was looking again

My male pet puma, Shiora.. and my female pet puma, Jasmine- all have Diluted as their recesive and Dominant.. coat pattern, I think it is. 


So, with these matching- if I breed them together I have a one in ten chance of getting a deviant? 

  • Tiger_Claw
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  • Posts: 172

Posted at 2024-01-13 03:52:24 — Link


"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • arete
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Posted at 2024-01-14 23:09:48 — Link

Yes now you have 10% chance of getting Diluted*

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