Posted at 2023-09-06 22:07:43 — Link
Hey guys, so I have a guestion. What should be by gryphons be called? Chitten (chick + kitten) or chub (chick + cub) I NEED to know.
Posted at 2023-09-06 22:07:43 — Link
Hey guys, so I have a guestion. What should be by gryphons be called? Chitten (chick + kitten) or chub (chick + cub) I NEED to know.
Posted at 2023-09-07 03:36:57 — Link
Gryphett !
edit: oops didnt read the whole thing lol
Looking for stable (lvl 5) blueprint and wood! All pets in Pound and SPSB tabs free to anyone who wants them.
I do not recieve notifications from forum posts! Pls dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)
Posted at 2024-10-02 03:16:14 — Link
Since gryphons have the last part of their name sorta based off of lions, we can call the babies gryphonets. (lionet is another word for a young lion)
Posted at 2024-10-27 12:26:03 — Link
Also, when the female gives birth to the gryphonet ( adorable name by the way), because it has the bottom half of a lion does that mean it gives a live birth? Or lays an egg?
Also, gryphlets are a cute name!
Also, paste this image if you think gryphonets are the cutest babys ever!
May Starclan light your path.