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Poll: Should there be a deviant pattern and color for all colours?

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  • BubbleTea
  • User
  • Posts: 54

Posted at 2022-02-17 06:20:36 — Link

I just bred a Black* Unicorn, but once it grew up, it still seemed to have the normal black coat, although it does have the coat name Black*. I checked the deviant skins chart, and noticed the pattern for black unicorn deviants are the normal non-deviant black. So what's going on? Is this a bug or not?


Edit: I placed the "deviant" in 'No Group' if you need to see.

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  • Dunkelbrut
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Posted at 2022-02-17 13:15:53 — Link

It's not a bug, it's a feature ;) It is a deviant form of the normal pattern, so it looks normal.

  • BubbleTea
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  • Posts: 54

Posted at 2022-02-18 02:46:09 — Link

Oh, I get it now. Thanks for clearing that up!

Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

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Igne natura renovatur integra.


  • WarriorsFan#3126121
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  • Posts: 232

Posted at 2024-11-30 02:11:09 — Link

Although, the problem with that is you can't tell with the pound if its deivant or not by looking at it. You have to actually adopt it to find out. It'd be nice if you could tell with the eyes or something.

May Starclan light your path.

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