Posted at 2022-01-15 01:55:21 — Link

Hi I'm seawing4evs I started a few months ago and I want to be a professional deviant breeder I hope I can meet you or help you with something can you please just call me seawing or Eve. Eve is my Nick name.

The seawings anthom.


Seawings oh seawings with scales green and blue.

Seawings oh seawings with scales pink and purple.

Seawings oh seawings with talons webed and sharp.

Seawings oh seawings with tails strong and large.

We live in seas or deepest blue.

Isolated from the contanent.

Delagated to protecting our queen.

But we're never really that content.

We are a proud old tribe of whale munchers.

But we really love our lunches.

A break with cake.

Or a salmon pie or two.

Seawings oh seawings I worship you.