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  • Peace123
  • User
  • Posts: 505

Posted at 2021-12-31 22:05:26 — Link

I've found that there are a handful of players that I rely on for great breeding studs. Their males always have perfect or near perfect genes, and these breeders typically have more than one pet like this. I would love to be able to search for not only 1-2 genes for a specific type of pet, but for the owners themselves on the breeder offers page.

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Tori River

  • arete
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Posted at 2022-01-02 19:30:16 — Link

You could go to the Pet Search page, search for males with X and Y gene belonging to Z user?

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  • Peace123
  • User
  • Posts: 505

Posted at 2022-01-02 22:40:02 — Link

That could definitley be a work around. However, I do like being able to know which studs have open breeding offers instead of having to reach out to every user who I'd be interested in working with.

Plus, I think the pet search feature is only available to those with a premium subscription.

"Most friends come and go. Some friends leave when your life gets too tough. And others come when your life is at it's best. But it's those friends who come in the middle of your life, and stay at both your highs and lows, that are the truest of friends."

Tori River

  • Wisteria
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  • Posts: 95

Posted at 2022-02-04 20:20:06 — Link

Would love this feature also, I've tried to do this exact thing while staring at 72 pages of pets, knowing someone has perfect stud males in there and it's hard to find them all via search. (Or, I'm just bad at it.)

Tiny tip: A handful enough of people will wait until pets are level 50 before putting them up for breed, so sorting by level can help depending on the user.

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