Posted at 2021-12-24 14:40:16 — Link

Looking to buy a double deviant (no unicorns) for hubby since I can't seem to pry mine out of my hands. xD Requirements:

-Breeding points left doesn't matter. (But not neutered.)

-Gender/level doesn't matter.

-Must be GP3 no degen.

-Must be all good traits, no normal and no red. (I could accept a few 'normal' traits if no other offers.)



1,000,000 silver coins.

1 custom made for you background that is private craft- so you can craft as many as you like, but no one else can. :) I can also make fancy apparel if more preferred. (Cool wings, fire hair, battle armor, body patterns, etc) Note I cannot control the time of which it is added to the site, only how fast I can make the art- which is 1-2 days.


I'm looking until the end of Dec 25th, but hubby's birthday is in January so if you see this kind of late and are interested let me know if you want to sell.


Also offered if interested:

Perfect throdamas of either gender or perfect GP3 special throdamas

Reverse breeds (your male to my female, you get deviant baby if they drop) to my GP3 deviants. (Males too if interested, but most of them offer breeding anyway.)

Perfect lykos of different breeding lines. I have pearls, too.

Amazing or perfect pumas. (Need to breed, but I have pairs laying about.)