Hello and welcome to BK! I'll answer your questions one by one, please be patient :)
"I've seen some people and even game "tips" talking about "pet training". What is this and how do I do it?
Pet training is, obviously training your pets. Right now you have to take your pets on explore, or fight them on arena for them to gain experience (XP) and level up. If you can train your pet, then your pet will level up 1 level without you taking them to fight or explore. Training costs silver, and the amount depends on the XP needed to reach the next level.
Level 20 [train] for 400 silver
In order to do this, you will need to build Ridinghall. Ridinghall level 1 allows you to train your pets up to level 10, and you can train up to 3 pets at a time. More information can be found here (scroll down to "Ridinghall lvl 1"). I have a Ridinghall level 5 right now, and here is what it can do:

Ridinghall (lvl 5)
Allows you to train your pets to Level 50. Every training lasts 4 hours. You can train up to 20 pets at the same time.
"Also, about pet genes... I've researched all of the genes from one of my pets (tutorial quest) and I noticed that even though two "columns" of genes, not all of them show up"
You have not researched all the genes for this pet. There are more genes that have not been discovered yet because there are some "--" in the genes part:
Normal jaws
Normal jaws
Acute eyesight
Poor hearing
Normal wits
--- |
Normal paws
--- |
Steel bones
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Normal muscles
--- |
Napalm gland
--- |
--- |
--- |
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"and also the breeding limit this pet has haven't been tested?"
Yes, because you have not yet researched the dominant muscles gene. Dominant genes are green colored, and recessive ones are gray. Right now you only researched the "normal muscles" colored gray, so it is recessive.
"Why is it displayed like this? Is one column for dominant while the other's for recessive? Then why some are missing?"
One column contains the genes inherited from the mother, and the other is from the father. If you want to predict the genes, then go
here. Again, some are missing because you have not discovered all of its genes. You need vermillion to discover it.
Pets in the For Sale group are
Pets in the Pound group are
Most breeding offers (Males only) are