Posted at 2020-10-06 21:47:02 — Link

I need a male color deviant Gray siamese For deviant breeding, depending on quality of the deviant i will pay up to 100,000!

I am also looking for expand stables scrolls!!! I will pay a verry high price for these!

I will also pay high prices for, Spirits ina jar, and i in desperate need of those! I have little stable space :-: I would also pay a decent price for vermillion

Im FireAuraDragon, I changed my name for personal reasons :)

Slayer of the Auras and Queen of the Land of Phoenix

Alexas Writing Contest! (Giving Out Prizes)

Also a Deviant and GP3 Breeder!

The Fire Market- Custom Deviant Breeding!

On To The Pet Shows!

The Current Show Is A Deviant Gryphon Show!